Since their inception in 1945, the AAAS Science Journalism Awards have honored professional journalists for distinguished reporting on the
sciences, engineering, and mathematics. In recognition of a generous
endowment by The Kavli Foundation, the awards now are called the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards, and the contest is open to journalists worldwide.
In recognition of a generous endowment in 2009 by The Kavli Foundation that ensured the future of the program, the awards are now called the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards. Kavli doubled the endowment in 2015, allowing us for the first time to make the competition truly international. All categories of the competition are now open to journalists doing work for independent news organizations around the globe. As always, independent judging committees select the winning entries based on scientific accuracy, initiative, originality, clarity of interpretation, and value in fostering a better public understanding of science and its impact.
The awards are presented every year at the AAAS Annual Meeting in February. In each category, there are now two awards: Gold, with a prize of $5,000, and Silver, with a prize of $3,500. AAAS will reimburse winners for reasonable travel and hotel expenses. In cases of multipleauthors or producers, only one person’s travel expenses will be covered.