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Science journalism becomes plain old journalism


par Siri Carpenter publié sur Nieman Lab

Nieman Lab. Predictions for Journalism, 2025. “For too long, science journalism has been treated as something distinct, something extra — the domain of specialists writing for audiences who are already deeply interested in and inform...
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Science journalism

Science could solve some of the world’s biggest problems. Why aren’t governments using it?


par Helen Pearson publié sur Nature

A Nature global survey finds that most specialists are unhappy with systems to provide science advice to policymakers. ...
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These reporters wrote a book on Musk’s Twitter takeover. Here’s what they think is next for journalism and X


par Gretel Kahn publié sur Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

Kate Conger and Ryan Mac on Musk’s election interference, his courting of strongmen, X’s predictable decline and Bluesky’s improbable rise ...
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Science journalism and a multi-directional science-policy-society dialogue are needed to foster public awareness for biodiversity and its conservation


par Jonas Geschke et al. publié sur PLOS Sustain Transform 2(10)

Biodiversity is the manifestation of life on our planet and provides manifold benefits for humans. Yet we destroy ecosystems and drive species to extinction. We submit that anthropogenic biodiversity loss does not yet receive sufficient public att...
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Science journalism

Advice for Future Science Journalists


par Anna Cass publié sur Knight Science Journalism

The Knight Science Journalism Program has been around for over 40 years, so we have a large community of alumni. KSJ reached out to this global group of esteemed science reporters and asked them, “What advice do you have for future science journal...
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Science journalism

EMFA: First article enforced into national legislation


par European Federation of Journalists publié sur Homepage

On 8 November 2024, Article 3 of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) on the right to access to a plurality of editorially independent media content came into force in the European Union. For the first time in EU law, Member States have a positiv...
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Warum wir Science Influencer auf LinkedIn brauchen


par Sanja Ketterer publié sur wissenschaftskommunikation.de

Die Wisskomm-Community hat LinkedIn für sich entdeckt. Wie aber zeigen Forschende und Institutionen auf der Plattform Präsenz? Worauf müssen sie achten – auch in Hinblick auf Authentizität und Glaubwürdigkeit? Sanja Ketterer gibt Tipps für die Pra...
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Social media

You won't believe this


par Kai Kupferschmidt publié sur Science

Researchers are trying to “inoculate” people against misinformation by giving them small doses ahead of time ...
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Fake news

Bundesrat will Swissinfo-Millionen streichen: SRG warnt vor dem Aus


par Alexandra Aregger, Quentin Schlapbach publié sur Tages Anzeiger

Die Regierung hat am Freitag ihr Milliarden-Sparpaket vorgestellt. Mit dem Rotstift setzt sie auch bei der SRG an – und will den Beitrag an das Auslandsangebot streichen. ...
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